Super Mom Is Dead

She's a myth. Move on. Be happy.


Who are these people and why are they asking for clean socks?

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Mother Nature is a Bitch

For three days, I thought we might be having another baby. Three days of, "Uh-oh," followed by, "It would be so nice..." and "I'll check every freaking online pregnancy calendar to find out where I am and when I'm due."

Three days of imagining the possibility of a new little one to cuddle.

Three days after my *always* punctual visit was supposed to begin, I was mourning the loss of the baby that was never even there to begin with.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh being a woman can be so contradicting. When I fell pregnant with this baby (I'm now 32 weeks) I was scared SO scared when I went for my bloodtest but SO thankful when it came out positive, even though this baby wasn't planned. I think, somewhere deep inside, the thought of having another baby always appeals to us

11/26/2005 8:56 AM  

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