Super Mom Is Dead

She's a myth. Move on. Be happy.


Who are these people and why are they asking for clean socks?

Thursday, April 21, 2005

The Little Things

I've spent most of today trying to pinpoint exactly what makes me feel like a complete lunatic. The fact of the matter is, I don't have a clue. I just can't believe that little everyday annoyances can spark such a foul mood that lasts all day (uh, or week, for that matter). Why is it that I can recognize that I'm being irrational or just plain bitchy, but I can't seem to knock it the hell off? I was doing ok for a bit, but yesterday and today have been absolutely dreadful.

I'm also just begging for the foul moods, as I seem to bite off more than I can chew to overcompensate for feeling like such a complete shit. When I can't deliver my promises or meet my obligations, I get pissier. Then the foul mood takes over and the whole thing starts all over again.

To top it off, we're attempting to potty train the little guy. Let's just say, it hasn't been easy. He actually pees every five minutes. Literally. Just a few drops - but pee occurs every. five. minutes. It's absolutely maddening. He gets the whole concept and goes through the motions quite well - but if this frequency keeps up, we're going to have to hire someone just to escort him to and from the bathroom. Then there's the clean up of the "misses" to take into account...

The other "little thing" that's really pushing my buttons this week is that my 6 year old has developed quite a disrespectful little mouth. We don't do corporal punishment, but boy does he make me re-evaluate that decision on a regular basis. If I would have looked my mother in the eye and said, "NO!" when she asked me to do something, I would have forgotten what the sun looked like by the time I resurfaced. We've generally been giving warnings (once per negative behavior) followed by timeouts, but his mouth has gotten so bad that we've started to skip the warning. I wonder what my neighbors think when they hear my son crying and yelling, "I hate zero tolerance! I hate zero tolerance!" To make it even more joyful, he's got a few sensory issues that send him w-a-a-ay over the edge if we attempt to touch him in any way - to escort him to timeout, put him in his room, etc. He screams like he's being beaten and I'm certain our neighbors suspect us of performing ritualistic torture on the kid. His screams could break glass, I swear.

So, just when I think I can't take it anymore, I tuck the little monsters into their beds, and I get my kisses and hugs. Then, my little guy, the Master of Disaster himself, throws his arms around my neck, kisses my cheek and says, "Mom. I really, really love you."

Yeah. It's the little things.


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