Super Mom Is Dead

She's a myth. Move on. Be happy.


Who are these people and why are they asking for clean socks?

Thursday, June 23, 2005


...and a week's worth of fun.

Yes, folks. For merely $100.01 and I've been given the opportunity to study the bodily functions of my 6 year old for an entire week. Woo-hoo!

Where - exactly - in the Mom Brochure did they list Poop Disection? Really. I want to know. Is it in the same paragraph as Vomit Catching?

My gifted 6 year old - the one who stuns people with his ability to do complex math in his head while waiting in line at Wawa - the one who taught himself to read at age 4 - the one I'm counting on to make the big bucks so he can take care of me in my old age - well, he owes me $100.01 for being stupid.

Apparently, on our way home from a family ice cream trip, the boys decided to fight over a penny they found on the backseat. The penny had fallen out of my purse this afternoon while we were running errands, and they thought they had struck gold. In an effort to make his little brother cry, P decided to hide the penny. When he couldn't reach his pocket, he decided the most logical place to stash the treasure was his mouth. Guess what happened next. Go ahead. It's not that difficult.

So, an hour, an x-ray and $100 ER copay later, we were told the penny had successfully reached his stomach and we just needed to wait for it to pass. Yay! I was wondering what we could do for fun this weekend! Poop scavenger hunts!

The kicker? He had the time of his life at the children's hospital that's close to us. The staff there was really great -- too great. We had a young male nurse who raced P down the hall and back, the x-ray tech let him play with the x-ray machine and they had a ton of things to keep the kids entertained. The x-ray tech turned to me at one point and said, "Wow. At this rate, he'll be swallowing pennies left and right to come back and play!"



Blogger christa said...

So the examining your kid's poop goes beyond the infant stage? Can't wait!

6/24/2005 7:41 AM  
Blogger Sheri & SuZan said...

LOL...just have to laugh. Been there done that!

6/24/2005 10:10 AM  
Blogger Kim said...

This is too funny even though I'm sure it wasn't at the time.

I just wonder if you had to get on an airplane right now if he would make the security alarm go off as he went through.

And I don't think I'd like the poop checking job either. Yuck!

6/24/2005 10:13 PM  

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