Super Mom Is Dead

She's a myth. Move on. Be happy.


Who are these people and why are they asking for clean socks?

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Today is the Day

Today was the day that I had to wake up at 7:00 AM after being awake until 3:00 AM.

Today was the day that I had to drive to an Oral Surgeon and have my upper right wisdom tooth pulled.

Today was the day that I had my very first tooth extraction.

Today was the day that I decided to take advantage of the Novacaine and hit the grocery store (without children) before it wore off.

Today was the day that I practically drooled on the floor at the grocery store because I was shopping with half of my head numb.

Today was the day that I ended up rushing home from the grocery store because the Novacaine suddenly wore off.

Today was the day that I had to run 4 or 5 errands - with children - despite having a tooth pulled and very little sleep.

Today was the day that I had to summon every ounce of motherly love I've ever had to keep myself from selling my children to the highest bidder (or the first taker.)

Today was the day that my children decided to argue me on every. single. point. despite multiple warnings of my impending explosion.

Today was the day that P. overflowed the toilet just after I sat down to dinner.

Today was the day that P. learned how to clean up the bathroom after the toilet overflows.

Today was the day that I gave my children 30 mins notice that I would bagging up any toys that were not put away and taking them to Goodwill.

Today was the day that I reminded my children on 5 min intervals that their toys would be put into trash bags.

Today was the day that bagged up piles and piles of toys that the boys refused to put away.

Today was the day that I told my children they were no longer permitted to produce any type of noise.

Today was the day that my children decided to ignore every single warning they were given.

Today was the day that my children decided it would be fun to take apart their nightlight.

Today was the day that my children broke their 10th nightlight in one year.

Today was the day that I told my children they would not be getting an 11th nightlight.


Tonight was the night that my children cried themselves to sleep because they didn't have a nightlight.

Tonight was the night I had to do extra laundry because of the aforementioned toilet overflowing.

Tonight was the night that I knew I wasn't going to get to bed at a reasonable hour, despite having another early morning tomorrow.

Tonight was the night that I knew I would never accomplish everything on my I Need to Accomplish List.

Tonight was the night that I knew my weekend away from the children could very well make me forget that I wanted to sell them today.

Tonight was the night that I decided that Vicodin is a very, very good thing.


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